Sidersa, leader in the national market for iron and steel services, is increasingly committed to the renewable energy sector, at a time when environmental care is the way forward for industries.

That is why, together with its team, they created Sidergy, a company that provides comprehensive energy solutions to respond to the demands and challenges of new businesses in the field of renewable energy.


In 2019 Sidersa launched the Solargen solar park together with Sidergy. These developments currently provide clean energy to 20,000 Argentine homes and avoid the emission of 15,400 tons of carbon dioxide (tCO2e) per year to the environment.


To continue with this trend towards sustainability, Sidergy recently became the first and only company in the country to obtain the inspection of the Argentine Institute for Standardization and Certification (IRAM), to produce and market fixed structures suitable for photovoltaic parks. This steel model can support 18 solar panels with the highest international standards.


In addition, Sidergy and Solargen are certified under the ISO 9001: 2015 standard, which focuses on all elements of Quality Management that a company must have in order to have an effective system that allows it to manage and

improve quality. of your products or services. Solargen also obtained the ISO 14001: 2015 certification, which allows reducing or eliminating barriers in international markets; reinforce trust with clients, comply with legal requirements related to environmental matters, among other benefits.


These standards make companies much more sustainable and develop clean technologies. As a whole, the Sidersa group adopts Quality Management as a tool to increase its efficiency and competitiveness through the best use of available human and material resources, always focused on the environment and the development of renewable energies in the long term. term.


These certifications and recognitions represent for Sidersa three fundamental historical values ​​that have been maintained for more than half a century: Quality, Safety and Productivity.