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Being a leading company committed to excellence through high ethical standards,pursuing growth and progress for everyone within our enterprise and for the community.


Meeting the needs of local and international customers, generating added value through research, development, manufacture and sale of steel products to be used as structural or additional components.

Our staff

SIDERSA cares about the self-development of its staff and provides a safe, respectful and pleasant work environment. We encourage teamwork to spark creativity and foster loyalty and integration at all levels in our organization.


Constantly searching for a competitive edge, profits are reinvested in technology to improve our industrial processes, boost productivity and strive for excellence.


Our company undergoes a constant process of strategic planning that guides management strategies and budget control. Regular assessment and communication leads to collaborative, committed management that aims at bringing fulfillment at every level within the company.

Commitment to society

Our company follows strict ethical standards. We aim at being safe, trustworthy, prosperous and committed to community development.

Our strategy: to do things right the first time, every time. Our goal: not necessarily being first
but always being the best, honoring our ongoing commitment to our staff and to society.